Day 2: Incredible Journey
Georgia – Providence Canyons
Once we arrived at the lower level of the canyon, the scenery was breathtaking. We knew at that moment, that it surely would not be a mere simple path to get to the area we wanted to get to. This notion was proven correct for at times we had to wade through puddles of red clayish water. Wading through water was something we were used to and quite comfortable doing. Like I always say, “If you are not getting your feet wet, it isn’t truly a hike”.
Forget the paved roads, there was something about venturing forth on a beaten path full of obstacles, within its natural state that beckons us. It is something we have always craved hiking upon, something that we look forward to.
As we got to the bottom, the views were stunning. It made us feel so small in the world, it showed us how blessed we were to be here. Three friends from afar, together for this moment, enjoying this amazing thing called life. We wished Anthony Morales was with us, however, we knew we would see him tomorrow in Tennessee. So for today we simply continue the hike, continued exploring, and continued taking photos and videos of this most amazing experience.